I say I love God but do I really? Because I say it does that mean it’s true? Because I go to church does that mean I truthfully love him? Because I am kind ‘for the most part,’ does that mean that my love to others is true?
I am realizing I have to unlearn and relearn the true meaning of LOVE. I say I Love GOD but do I really? Am I willing to give up my wants and needs for His or are my desires more important? These are the questions I am faced with this morning. Have I been the best follower of Christ that I can be? Or have I merely been a 6 out of 10 but want blessing of a 10? Have I been the best that I can be at anything other than making sure I have food and my phone daily?
1st Corinthians 13 gives an excellent picture of what Love Looks Like. I have fallen short and I need to unlearn and relearn how to love God first, my neighbors and myself. My aim is for a better place for our children to live.